“In any given moment, we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety.”- Abraham Maslow Markie2022-02-14T14:37:25+00:00February 14, 2022|Uncategorized|
“Being able to be your true self is one of the strongest components of good mental health.”- Dr. Lauren Fogel Mersy Markie2022-02-07T17:47:22+00:00February 7, 2022|Uncategorized|
“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.”- John Green Markie2022-01-31T18:58:44+00:00January 31, 2022|Uncategorized|
“Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary.” Fred Rogers Markie2022-01-24T21:22:10+00:00January 24, 2022|Uncategorized|
“Emotional wellbeing is just as important to us as breathing is!”- BetterLYF Markie2022-01-10T19:22:56+00:00January 10, 2022|Uncategorized|
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “I’m Possible!'”- Audrey Hepburn Markie2022-01-03T18:30:35+00:00January 3, 2022|Uncategorized|
” Through my own struggles with depression, I discovered that knowledge, therapy, medication and education can provide the strength to get through it in one piece.” – Susan Polis Schutz Markie2021-12-27T16:46:18+00:00December 27, 2021|Uncategorized|